Τρίτη 2 Φεβρουαρίου 2016. Προβολή της ταινίας: «Ο Μικρός Πρίγκηπας» στην Αγγλική γλώσσα. Η ταινία βασίζεται στο βιβλίο  «TheLittlePrince» του Γάλλου συγγραφέα AntoinedeSaint-Exupery.

The story

The book is about the Little Prince?s travels and the people he met along the way.

The writer of the book is a pilot. One day, he crashes with his aeroplane in the middle of the Sahara desert. There he meets a little boy who comes from asteroid B-612. This boy is the Little Prince who has visited other planets and met some very odd people.

Three of these planets are B325, B326 and B328.

  1. Asteroid B 325

There, the prince meets a King. This man loves to have power. The prince understands that he?s an odd grown-up.

  1. Asteroid B 326

There lives  a man who thinks he?s the most intelligent and good ? looking man. He  wants everyone to admire him. The prince says he?s really very odd.

  1. Asteroid B 328

The price meets a businessman there. He counts the stars and says that he owns them. The prince finds him to be very disappointing.

The pilot and the Little Prince become friends. In the end both the pilot and the prince leave the dessert. The pilot never forgets the prince and his world. A world where anything is possible and nothing is the most important.

?It is only with the heart that we can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye.?


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